Gigabyte Radeon HD 4890 Out of the Box

AMD has yet again stepped up excitement and anticipation surrounding a product-launch. This time, it's the company's fastest GPU: the RV790, whose single-GPU product, the Radeon HD 4890, is dressing up to go to office between April 6~8 worldwide. Taiwanese tech community website XFastest went found that volumes of the card by AMD partner Gigabyte have already reached a certain store.

The Gigabyte Radeon HD 4890 1 GB (model: GV-R489-1GH-B) is based on AMD's reference design, which has been pictured earlier, and whose early 3DMark performance figures have began surfacing. The card, features 1 GB of GDDR5 memory, which now seems to be the standard amount of memory on the reference design card. The unboxed card has been pictured from a good angle, which gives us a better indication of its length. It is longer than the HD 4870. Another scoop we can bring to you, is that from the first picture of the RV790 GPU that was published by DailyTech, it has been observed that the die is slightly larger than that of the RV770. What makes it larger is not known at this point in time.


Zotac Introduces Energy Efficient GeForce 9800 GT ECO

ZOTAC International, an award-winning manufacturer of motherboards and graphics cards, today expands its GeForce 9800GT product lineup with the new more power-efficient ZOTAC GeForce 9800GT Eco. The new ZOTAC GeForce 9800GT Eco delivers phenomenal performance and breathtaking visuals with 40-percent greater power efficiency for a high-performance graphics experience that is easy on the power bill.

“Our mainstream ZOTAC GeForce 9800GT has won many awards for its performance. With the new ZOTAC GeForce 9800GT Eco, you can have the competitive performance of the GeForce 9800GT series but with 40-percent greater power efficiency,” said Carsten Berger, marketing director, ZOTAC International.

The ZOTAC GeForce 9800GT Eco packs a performance punch with its 112 stream processors and high-speed GDDR3 memory technology. A wide 256-bit memory interface joins the screaming-fast stream processors with the high-speed GDDR3 memory for smooth frame rates and vivid visuals.

NVIDIA CUDA, PhysX and PureVideo HD technologies take the ZOTAC GeForce 9800GT Eco beyond gaming graphics to enhance everyday tasks and applications such as video and image editing, video processing, gaming and video playback.

“We’ve come to a crossroads with graphics technology where we can use our graphics cards to accelerate non-3D applications. With this power, PCs are able to use the graphics cards to speed up image and video editing and transcoding to achieve better results than a quad-core CPU, calculate realistic physics effects, and playback high-definition video with greater image quality than most standalone players,” Mr. Berger added.

ZOTAC is confident in the long-reliability of the GeForce 9800GT Eco and backs it with an extended warranty for trouble-free ownership. It’s time to play with the more power-efficient ZOTAC GeForce 9800GT Eco.


Sapphire HD 4890 Begins Getting Listed

Weeks ahead of launch, Sapphire's Radeon HD 4890 graphics accelerator has already started to to get listed on online stores, not concentrated in a particular region. The HD 4890 is characterized by the upcoming RV790 graphics processor, it is a current-generation successor to the HD 4870 accelerator. Its specifications are unclear, though most sources in the industry and press have so far revealed it not to be much of a featureset expansion over the RV770.

Dutch retailer Salland Automatisering BV has listed the Sapphire-made accelerator for € 253.95 inclusive of VAT (€ 218.95 excluding it). Another retailer, PB Technologies Auckland (New Zealand), has listed it for NZ $613.97 (325 USD), including applicable taxes. The Dutch retailer went on to list some of the card's specifications. It features 1 GB of GDDR5 memory clocked at 3.90 GHz. Its core is clocked at 850 MHz. No pictures, or information about the GPU's internals (such as stream processor count, TMU/ROP counts) were provided. Both retailers have put the product on pre-order. AMD is expected to release the card on April 8, 2009.


NVIDIA Preparing GeForce GTX 275, RV790XT in Sights

AMD is on the course of releasing a new line of high performance products based on its upcoming RV790 graphics processor. The high-end single GPU SKU, Radeon HD 4890 is expected to be competitive with NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 260 (216 SP). NVIDIA on the other end of the field, is planning a retaliation to the RV790. The GPU giant is carving out a new SKU based on the 55 nm G200b: GeForce GTX 275.
The new SKU will be placed in the US $225~275 range. While the specifications are not known at this point in time, there are two theories: G200b with 216 stream processors and 512-bit memory interface, and the other theory suggesting 240 stream processors with the existing 448-bit memory interface on GTX 260. The latter looks inexpensive as the former would step up manufacturing costs due to the addition of two memory chips.


Radeon HD 4870 1 GB In For Yet Another Price Cut

As the price-war between the two graphics processor giants intensifies, ATI is reportedly preparing yet another price-cut for the Radeon HD 4870 1 GB graphics accelerator. The company had implemented significant reductions in prices of HD 4800 series accelerators as recently as in the first week of March.

The older price-cut placed the HD 4870 1 GB at the US $199 price point. Following NVIDIA's move to push the GeForce GTX 260 to that price-point, ATI's response is indicated to be a further $20 cut, sending the price down to $179. There is no word on when the new pricing would be implemented.


RV790 ternyata cuma RV770 yang dioverclock

ATI pada bulan April nanti akan meluncurkan RV790 (Radeon HD4890) yang merupakan seri penerus chip grafis terlaris tahun 2008 lalu yaitu ATI RV770 (Radeon HD4870).
Namun tampaknya RV790 tak lain hanyalah RV770 yang berjalan di kecepatan lebih tinggi saja. ATI hanya sedikit melakukan perombakan design pada arsitektur RV770 agar dapat menjalankannya pada kecepatan yang lebih tinggi.
Sample produk RV790 yang telah dibuat memiliki GPU yang berjalan pada kecepatan 850MHz dan menggunkan memory Qimonda IDGV1G-05A1F1C-40X yang mampu berjalan di 1GHz, namun hanya dijalankan pada kecepatan 975MHz.
Meski sempat dikabarkan bakal memiliki Stream Processor sebanyak 960SP dan 48 TMU, namun ternyata GPU pada sample produk RV790 masih memiliki jumlah Stream Processor yang sama seperti pendahulunya, yaitu 800SP dan dibekali 40 TMU dan 16 ROP.
Memory interface yang digunakan juga masih sama seperti RV770 yaitu 256-bit dan mendukung memory GDDR5, GDDR4, dan GDDR3. Proses produksi RV790 juga masih 55nm seperti halnya RV770 dan juga masih dibuat di TSMC, dan belum dikerjakan sendiri di pabrik AMD.
Dengan clock speed yang lebih tinggi ketimbang Radeon HD4870, Radeons HD4890 diharapkan memiliki kinerja 20% lebih tinggi ketimbang pendahulunya tersebut. Kinerja Radeon HD 4890 akan mengimbangi Geforce GTX285, namun harga jual Radeon HD4890 akan jauh lebih murah yaitu berkisar $200-$250.


Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200S Processor Review

Intel Q8200 Processor Overclocking

Overclocking greatly varies due to what hardware is being used and who is doing the overclocking. Always remember that no two pieces of hardware will perform the same, so our results will differ from what you might be able to get.With stock BIOS settings, the Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 runs with a 333MHz bus speed and a 7x multiplier that is used to reach the final core clock of 2.33GHz. As you can see above, the ASUS P5E3 Deluxe motherboard FSB runs at 333.9MHz, so right out of the box the FSB is ~1MHz higher than stock settings. Let's start off by overclocking without adjusting any voltages to see what the Q8200 quad-core processor can do out of the box.The ASUS P5E3 Deluxe motherboard BIOS is very simple to use and to see what the processor could do with default settings we just had to increase the 'FSB Frequency' setting from 333MHz to 400MHz. Just by making this one adjustment the board really picks up some speed and you can feel it when using applications. With this setting you can also increase the memory frequency up to 1600MHz as seen in the BIOS picture above.

By leaving all the settings in the BIOS on 'auto' we increased the FSB speed to 400MHz and the system was rock solid. By increasing the FSB to 400MHz we could now run the DDR3 memory at 1600MHz versus the previous speed of 1333MHz. It also allowed for the overall clock frequency to increase from 2.33GHz to 2.8GHz. Not bad for leaving everything in the BIOS on 'Auto' other than the Front Side Bus Frequency! With the voltage still set to auto we kept increasing the FSB until the board became unstable. We were able to reach 430MHz FSB before things started to get unstable. By increasing the voltage to 1.31V we were able to reach a FSB to 450MHz with ease. At this speed you can now run the DDR3 memory at 1800MHz, which provides some additional bandwidth for those wanting more. At 450MHz FSB we were running at 3.15GHz, which is starting to look impressive.
It was possible to reach a bus speed of 475MHz, but we had to run the processor at 1.350V in order for the Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 to be able to reach these speeds. This rounds up to being a 1GHz overclock, which very nice for a processor that costs just $169.99 at online retailers. Overclocking varies from processor to processor and will void your warranty, so no complaints on this nice speed boost. If you are looking for a simple way to boost performance changing the FSB from 333MHz to 400MHz is the quick and easy overclock and for those wanting more you can increase voltages and reach well over 3GHz like we did. The Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 processor seemed to hit a wall above 475MHz as nothing was stable even when putting 1.4-1.5V through the processor with water cooling, so if you hit a point where nothing boots or is stable you have likely hit a wall or are being limited by the motherboard or memory kit. We have had this memory kit and motherboard well beyond these settings, so we know for certain that the processor has reached its limit.
When it comes to benchmarks, the overclocked Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 was a monster.

From :


Perbedaan ATI Radeon dan Nvidia

1. ATI dan Nvidia punya pendekatan yang berbeda buat pasar game. ATI(dengan AMD sebagai atasannya) lebih ngejar pasar mid-low end segment dengan menyediakan VGA murah, moto mereka bisa dibilang komputer untuk semua(teknologi massal). Sedang Nvidia lebih ngejar brand image n "performance crown". Moto mereka kalau bisa bikin VGA super kenceng, orang-orang yang mau beli produk mid-low end akan langsung percaya sama produk Nvidia.
Sejauh ini bisa saya bilang keduanya sama-sama sukses. ATI sukses bikin VGA murah dengan ukuran(die size) dan watt kecil. Contohnya ya produk 4650,4670.Nvidia juga sukses bikin VGA super kenceng yang efisien, juga yang canggih seperti GTX 260, GTX 260 sp216, GTX 280, GTX 285, dan yang terbaru adalah GTX295.

2. Masalahnya kan ada di produk yang berada di perpotongan pasar itu tadi.simplenya, kalau mau VGA murah lebih kenceng ATI, dan kalau mau VGA mahal lebih kuat Nvidia. kalau VGA tengah? nah, produk tengah-tengah ini, buat ATI adalah produk high-endnya mereka. Sedang buat Nvidia baru produk mid-endnya(seri 98).yang manakah yang paling worth it, mengingat masing-masing punya penawaran menarik. ATI dengan dx 10.1(dengan fitur tessalation=lebih cepat ngeload polygon obyek yg rumit)+built in HDMI audio, sedang Nvidia menawarkan "eyecandy" Physx dan CUDA(ATI juga katanya menjanjikan tandingan CUDA yaitu platform Stream dan sebagai tambahan konsep fusion buat mereka yang pake all-AMD hardware).

3. Masing-masing punya arsitektur yang berbeda, jadi punya kelebihan dan kekurangan yang berbeda pula.
HD 4850 punya 800 SPU,40 textur unit,16 ROPs.buat 4870, sebagai tandingan 448 bitnya GTX 260, bandwith ditingkatkan pake DDR5. Sedangkan Nvidia 9800gtx punya 128 SPU,64texturing unit,16 ROPs.dan GTX 260 punya 192 SP,64 textur unit,28 ROPs,dan 448 bit DDR3(GTX 260 pada dasarnya adalah GTX 280 yang ditutup 2 dari total 10 blok pada corenya. Sedang di GTX 260 sp216 hanya 1blok yg ditutup, sehingga jadi 9blok).


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Tips dan Trik Registry Pada Windows XP

Otak-atik registry dibilang gampang-gampang susah,. Jadi yang tidak tahu apa itu registry harus belajar dulu apa fungsinya registry. Yang udah tahu baik itu dikit atau banyak atau sama sekali tidak tahu, ini ada sedikit tips yang bisa anda lakukan kepada komputer anda. Sebagian besar dari tips ini sudah dicoba dan hasilnya lumayan, bisa buat nambah kecepatan dan keamanan komputer. Bagi yang kantong tipis atau malah gak ada kantongnya, bisa menerapkan cara ini. Dari pada membeli tool kemanan yang harganya mahal.

Registry adalah penentu cara kerja OS windows XP, oleh karenanya utak-atik registry berarti mengutak-atik cara kerja Windows XP anda. Agar terhindar dari trouble, sebelum mengutak-atik registry, ada baiknya melakukan backup terlebih dahulu registry windows XP Anda. Adapun caranya adalah sebagai berikut ini :
• Klik tombol Start > Run. Ketik regedit dan tekan Enter setelah berada didalam jendela Run.
• Didalam Registry Editor, pilih menu File > Export.
• Setelah Export Registry File muncul, masukkan nama file ke bagian File Name, misalnya backup-registry dan sebagainya. tekan tombol Save.

1. Mempercepat akses Folder - dengan mendisable Last Access Update.
Jika anda memiliki banyak folder dan subdirectories, maka akses ke Direktory2 Windows XP terasa sangat berat dan seringkali cuman membuang waktu. Dengan mengupdate time stamp di registry, yaitu last access update untuk semua sub directory.
• Start>Run>regedit
• “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetContr olFileSystem”Klik
• kanan di bagian yg kan (cari area yg kosong), lalu pilih ‘DWORD Value’Bikin
• DWORD Value dengan nama ‘NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate’Klik kanan pada value baru terus pilih ‘Modify’Ubah data menjadi ‘1′
• Klik ‘OK’

2. Mempercepat waktu Boot
Fitur yg lumayan asik dari Windows XP adalah kemampuan untuk mendefrag ketika ada dalam proses booting. Boot Defrag pada prinsip menata file2 yg relevan dengan booting secara berurutan. Secara default fitur ini telah diaktifkan pada beberapa Build Windows, tapi beberapa build windows tidak, ada baiknya kalo kita cross check terhadap fiotur yg satu ini.
• Start Menu>Run
• Regedit
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE/Microsoft/DfrgBootOpt imizeFunction
• Cari “Enable” dibagian kanan regedit
• Klik “Modify”
• Pilih “Y to enable”
• Reboot

3. Mempercepat Performa Swapfile
Jika anda memiliki ram lebih besar dari 256MB bisa dibilang tweaking yg ini akan membuat sistem anda berjalan lebih cepat. Tweaking ini pada dasarnya PC kita mengunakan setiap byte dari memori fisik yg terpasang di komputer kita, SEBELUM mengunakan swap file.
• Start>Run
• “msconfig.exe”>ok
• Klik tab System.ini
• Klik tanda plus pada tab 386enh
• Klik kotak new kemudian ketik “ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1″
• Klik OK
• Restart

4. Mempercepat Loading Windows Menu
Tweak ini adalah tweaking fav saya, karena akan komputer kita terasa lebih cepat. Tweaking ini membuang waktu delay ketika kita mengklik menu dan windows XP menampakkan Menu.
• Start>Run
• Regedit>Ok
• “HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop”
• Pilih/Sorot “MenuShowDelay”
• Klik kanan dan pilih “Modify’
• Ketik angka “100″ (aslinya 400) Angka 50-150 adalah kisaran yg baik, bisa disesuaikan dengan Mood anda

5. Mempercepat Loading Program.
Tweaking ini bisa berjalan untuk sebagian besar program. Jika program tidak mau loading seperti yg diharapkan, silahkan aja dikembalikan ke setting semula.
• Klik kanan pada icon/shortcut yg berkaitan dengan program.
• properties
• Pada kotak ‘target’, tambahkan ‘ /prefetch:1′ diakhir kalimat.
• Klik “Ok”

6. Mempercepat Shutdown Windows XP.
Tweaking ini mengurangi waktu tunggu secara otomatis ketika windows sudah menerima instruksi untuk shutdown.
• Start>Run
• ‘Regedit’>OK
• ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop’
• Sorot ‘WaitToKillAppTimeout’
• Klik kanan dan pilih modify
• Ubah value menjadi ‘1000′ (aslinya 20000)
• Klik ‘OK’
• Sorot ‘HungAppTimeout’
• Klik kanan dan pilih modify
• Ubah value menjadi ‘1000′
• Klik ‘OK’
• ‘HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelDesktop’ sorot WaitToKillAppTimeout’
• Klik kanan dan pilih modify
• Ubah value ke ‘1000′ (aslinya 20000)
• Klik ‘OK’
• ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control sorot “WaitToKillAppTimeOut”.
• Klik kanan dan pilih modify
• Ubah value menjadi ‘1000′

7. Restart dgn Cepat !!
• Pada key :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windoes NT | Current Version | Winlogon Tambahkan string value EnableQuickReboot dan isi defautnya dengan 1

8. Login Otomatis
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon
• Klik ganda AltDefaultUserName dan masukkan username account yang dipilih.
• Klik ganda AutoAdminLogon dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
• Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama DefaultPassword.
• Klik ganda DefaultPassword dan masukkan password account yang dipilih pada Value Data.

9. Mencegah Perubahan Menu Start
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer
• Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoChangeStartMenu.
• Klik ganda NoChangeStartMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

10. Membersihkan Semua Ikon Pada Desktop
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDesktop.
Klik ganda pada NoDesktop dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

11. Membuat Desktop Lebih Stabil
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer
• Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama DesktopProcess.
• Klik ganda DesktopProcess dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

12. Membersihkan Recent Documents
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer
• Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoRecentDocsHistory.
• Klik ganda pada NoRecentDocsHistory dan masukkan angka 1 pada bagian Value Data.

13. Menyembunyikan System Tray
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer
• Jika key Explorer belum ada buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoTrayItemsDisplay.
• Klik ganda NoTrayItemsDisplay dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
• Untuk mengembalikan System Tray masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.
• Menonaktifkan Klik-kanan Pada Desktop
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoViewContextMenu.
Klik ganda pada NoViewContextMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

14. Menonaktifkan Menu Properties My Computer
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer
• Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoPropertiesMyComputer.
• Klik ganda NoPropertiesMyComputer dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer
• Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoPropertiesMyComputer.
• Klik ganda NoPropertiesMyComputer dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
• Jika key Explorer tidak ada, buat yang baru dengan mengklik menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama Explorer.

15. DVD Di Windows Media Player

• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/MediaPlayer/Player/Settings
• Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama DVDUI.
• Klik ganda DVDUI dan masukkan teks Yes pada Value Data.

16. Menambah Identitas Windows Media Player
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Policies/Microsoft
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Policies/Microsoft/Windows
• Klik Edit > New > Key dan beri nama WindowsMediaPlayer.
• Klik Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama TitleBar.
• Klik ganda TitleBar dan masukkan teks yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

17. Mengembalikan Akses Ke CD-ROM
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
• Hapus subkey LowerFilters dan UpperFilters dengan menekan tombol Del.

18. Membersihkan Sampah Registry
• Pilih salah satu subkey yang merupakan nama software yang ingin dihapus, kemudian tekan tombol Del.

19. Membersihkan Sampah Uninstall
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall
• Hapus subkey yang memiliki nama yang sama dengan software yang telah di-uninstall. Menghapus Daftar Program Yang Tidak Diinginkan

20. Dari Add/Remove Programs
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Uninstall
• Hapus subkey yang berisikan program yang tidak diinginkan dengan menekan tombol Del.

21. Menjalankan Program Saat StartUp
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run
• Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dengan nama Winamp misalnya.
• Klik ganda pada value tersebut dan masukkan path tempat program tersebut terinstall (C:\Program Files\Winamp\Winamp.exe).

22. Menghapus StartUp Items Di MSCONFIG
• Klik Start > Run > ketik msconfig, kemudian klik pada tab startup, hilangkan tanda centang pada program yang ingin dihapus dari daftar startup.
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run
• Hapus subkey yang berisikan program-program yang tidak diinginkan dengan menekan tombol Del.

23. Mengganti AM Dan PM Menjadi Pagi Dan Sore
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/International
• Klik ganda s1159 dan ubah teks AM dengan PAGI.
• klik ganda s2359 dan ubah teks PM dengan SORE.

24. Menonaktifkan Fungsi AutoRun
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer
• Klik ganda NoDriveTypeAutoRun dan masukkan angka 95 pada Value Data.

25. Mematikan Secara Otomatis Program Not Responding
• HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
• Klik ganda AutoEndTasks dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

26. Tweaking Memory Pada Windows XP
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SessionManager/Memory Management
• Klik ganda pada DisablePagingExecutive dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
• Apabila diaktifkan,Windows tidak akan melakukan paging file ke dalam hard disk. Sistem operasi dan program-program menjadi lebih responsif. Disarankan untuk komputer yang memiliki memori lebih dari 128MB.
Klik ganda pada LargeSystemCache dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Jika diaktifkan, sistem akan mengalokasikan seluruh memori (kecuali 4 MB untuk disk caching) untuk file caching. Komputer akan melakukan caching kernel XP di dalam memory sehingga Windows XP dapat berjalan lebih cepat.

27. Unload .dll Untuk Mempercepat Akses Memori
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer
• Pilih menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama AlwaysUnloadDLL.
• Pada option Default Value masukkan angka 1.

28. Menyembunyikan Device Manager
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies
• Pilih menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama System.
• Di subkey System buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDevMgrPage.
• Klik ganda NoDevMgrPage dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

29. Mengoptimalkan Hard Disk Disaat Komputer Dalam Keadaan Idle
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\OptimalLayout
• Buatlah sebuah DWORD Value Baru dan beri nama EnableAutoLayout.
• Klik ganda EnableAutoLayout dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

30. Mengosongkan Temporary Internet Files Pada Saat Exit
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Internet Settings\Cache
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Internet Settings\Cache
• Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama Persistent.
• Klik ganda Persistent dan masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data

31. Mencegah Klik Ganda Secara Tidak Sengaja
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\Advanced
• Buat sebuah String Value baru jika belum tersedia dan beri nama UseDoubleClickTimer.
• Klik ganda UseDoubleClickTimer dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.


When will AMD's RV790 be released? Ati Radeon HD 4890 and Radeon HD 4890 X2: Rumors from the Cebit

The board partners want to remain anonymous of course and thus we can't guarantee that the following details are one hundred percent correct.

Based on the information we received during our conversations it seems like the Ati Radeon HD 4890 (Single) will compete against the Geforce GTX 260 and not the GTX 285, since it seems like for the Ati Radeon HD 4890 only the frequencies of the GPU and the memory were increased. Accordingly the calculation units aren't changed. Basis for the increased frequencies is the 55 nm production process, which has been quite perfected by now. 850 to 900 MHz appear to be possible for the RV790 GPU; the RV770 of the HD 4870 is clocked to 750 MHz. As the GDDR5 memory of the HD 4890 (Single) is regarded, AMD wants to reach 3,900 million transactions/s - RV770 based cards reach 3,600 MT/s. Those numbers indicate an increase in gaming performance of 8 to 20 percent, depending on game and sequence.

PC Games Hardware also wanted to know the odds for and against a possible Ati Radeon HD 4890 X2. From a technical point of view such a card shouldn't be a problem, but it remains to be seen if AMD will really invest time into such a prestige object. A Radeon HD 4890 X2 might hit the markets only if it can noticeably beat the Geforce GTX 295. Probably AMD will leave it up to the board partners to build such a card or they are looking for exclusive partners like they did with the HD 4850 X2 which is available from Sapphire only.

The Radeon HD 4890 is supposed to hit the markets on April 6. This date, which has been brought up by VR-Zone initially, has been secretly confirmed by the board partners. But as usual such a date can easily be rescheduled ad hoc. We were also told that the cards will cost €230 to €240, although it is unclear if the cards will have 1 or 2 GiByte VRAM initially.

